Thursday, April 1, 2010

James scores 23 to lead Cavs over Bucks 101-98.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

23 Enigma

The 23 Enigma references the belief that most events are connected to the number 23, a modification of the number 23, or a number related to 23. (
Anybudy know why Michael Jordan wore the number 23? 

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hey you, you 23 year old urinal drinker.  I got three words for you, you ready: Alcholism is BAD!  Ease up on the drinking.  Your 23 now, time to grow up.  Some of you will never understand the concept of growing up, and to you I say have fun with all 12 of your straight vodka shots.  I hired a babysitter for you, his name is urinal. 
If you still refer to your friends as your "dog" you need to stop.  Firstly the age of DMX is over, I know, I know, "Ruff Ryders for life" was the quote but as Ed Lover would say "C'mon son" we aren't living in the 90s move on with your life.  Next, calling someone your dog basically means you are calling them a toilet drinker(see above^).  We are living in a global economy you can't go around calling people "dog".  You could call someone your dog from another culture and they might get highly offended.  Beware of the dog, I mean be aware of the word dog.
No one likes a cigarette smoker these days.  Your 23 now, its time to put those rebellous James Dean days behind you.  Cigarettes provide you with nothing of value.  "Cancer Stix" lead to ......(a million problems you have heard throughout your life) C'mon fellow 23 year old stop being an idiot I know you are smarter then that, or....maybe your not, maybe your as dumb as a domestic turkey. Some Domestic Turkeys have been known to drown in a heavy rain shower because they didn't realize that it would be dry and safe inside their hutches! Others are so brainless that they can't even remember how to eat, and must be fed by the farmer.  Are you a domestic Turkey?

If I don't get a real job soon my family might be kidnapped by ninjas to(ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!)  I might have to do something drastic soon, like take some karate lessons.  I heard the YMCA has a pretty good class maybe I should go.(hopefully you caught the sarcasm, I am more jacked then Sly Stallone in Rocky, if I were poor and homeless I would still slam a ninja)

23 years old

Year 23 seems to be the ugliest of ages, blink 182 once said in that song What's My Age Again "Nobudy likes you when your 23". Blink 182 was right. In this current age, a 23 year old college grad seems to be one of the following: UNEMPLOYED, An office GRUNT, or in Grad school.

It is completely normal to not know what you want to do with your life at age 23, I don't. We the Unemployed 23 year olds are doing alot of inner searching in order to find out what we will be happy devoting our lives to. It is not easy to be unemployed, people look at you different. People think you are lazy, but you are not. People think you don't care about anything, but you really care too much about everything. People think you are destined for failure, but you know you will succeed(just not sure in what lol).

Those of us 23 year olds that do in fact have a "carreer", are those whom I like to call: office grunts. The office grunt is the entry level guy/gal at the office doing all of the heaviest work receiving the lightest pay. Being the office grunt is comparable to being a freshman in highschool, all of the big kids don't respect you and could careless of your existence as they have "already proven themselves". Grunts are mistreated all across America. Being a Grunt can also be compared to fraternity hazing. Grunts must go through hell(the year or years of being entry-level) in order to fully appreciate heaven(promotion in the company which includes higher pay and further job securtiy). The office grunt holds on to sanity by maintaining the thought that hard work and dedication pays off.

A certain sect of the 23 year old congregation falls into a far different category, the Grad school student. The Grad is one who is still in school. The Grad pushes his/her education further in order to become a more important person(in their own eyes). The Grad school student thinks that his/her further degree will help them get a better job. Grads are usually very scared people and are frieghtened of the real world as some of them have never even held a REAL job. Being a Grad is not all that great in that one still may be relying on their parents for $$$, and is still just looked upon as a student.

The purpose of this blog is to gain insight into the world of a 23 year old. As a 23 year old myself, readers may gain insight into my thoughts and suggestions.